Conference Presentations

Yixiao Sun, & Zhihao Ma. (2024). Authoritarians in Response to Societal Crises: Reciprocal Dynamics of Right-Wing Authoritarianism, COVID-19 Fear and Prevention Belief. Paper to be presented at the 110th Annual National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, New Orleans, LA. [Top Paper Award]

Yixiao Sun, Yunjie Fei, & Chunyan Yu. (2024). Resource Exchange, Perceived Social Support, Companionship and Intimacy: Characterizing the Social Relationship Between Users and ChatGPT. Paper to be presented at the 110th Annual National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, New Orleans, LA. [Top Student Paper Award]

Yixiao Sun, & Zhenfeng Zhou. (2024). Building Identity Through Narratives: Who Voices Dissent Within the Party?. Paper to be presented at the 110th Annual National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Yaotian Zhang, Yixiao Sun, Zhicong Chen, & Cheng-Jun Wang. (2024). How Emotion and Narrative Foster Resilience in Adversity: The Case of Large-Scale Online Donations during COVID-19. Paper to be Presented at the 110th Annual National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Yixiao Sun, Xue-Fei Yan, Yaotian Zhang, Zhicong Chen, & Cheng-Jun Wang. (2023). From Imperialism to Cultural Imperialism: Localized Versus Globalized Advertisements of Imported Commodities in China (1932–1937). Paper Presented at the 73rd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Yaotian Zhang, Gongjing Lu, Yixiao Sun, Zhicong Chen, & Cheng-Jun Wang. (2023). Traversing the Valley of Despair in Affective Mobilization: Issue Engagement, Emotion, and Online Donation on Sina Weibo during the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper Presented at the 73rd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Toronto, Canada.